
CL-roadlog - log of a walker in faith.

星期日, 2月 25, 2007

科技前景2: 納米工藝 Nano technology

納米 (nanometer) 其實是長度單位, nano 是希臘文前置詞, 指 1/1000 000 000, 所以 1 納米是 1/1000 000 000 米, 相當於一條頭髮直徑千份之一, 或 10 個氫原子的直徑.

這樣近於基本原子單位大小的物體在與其他相仿物體互動時會偏離古典力學的(位移 displacement/動量 momentum)預測而貼近量子力學的統計分佈(distribution, i.e. talk about statistics: mean, standard deviation of displacement and momentum). 如果能夠把原子(通常不會超過100個, 否則體積太大便減弱量子力學效應)逐一加入特定物料的特定位置(成為所謂量子點, 線, 或面: quantum dot, line or surface)上, 此物料與其他微小東西作用時就會有不同的量子力學效應.

納米工藝 Nano technology 指一切關於製造和使用以上物料的技術. 它是一個廣泛字眼, 正如電子學 (electronics) 是關於運用電子在固體或真空管內的活動來處理訉號, 重點是訉號處理, 而不是電子本身. 同樣, 納米工藝著重如何使用這些新物料的特性, 開發新商機, 或改進傳統產品. 最明顯是改善薄膜工藝 (thin film technology).


a) nano thin film: e.g. 新網球內膜, 不易漏氣; 微型水過濾器; 體積大幅縮減的太陽能板及燃料電池; 各色各樣新型半導體結構;

b) smart textile: 香港理工大學已略有成績.

c) micro machine production: 比血管直徑更小的機械人檢查身體?!


environmental and biological impact: 全新物料進到食物鏈或與人緊密接觸, 福禍難料.

Your feedback are welcomed.


詮釋與操控 Part 1

有人說歷史十分沉悶, 沉重. 路人認為其中一個原因是政治人物希望掌握詮釋歷史的權柄. 因為掌握詮釋歷史的權柄, 便能'改變'過去. '改變'過去, 便可為現在的所作所為正名, 以致影響將來. 所以歷史真相從來都十分脆弱, 可能要等有關的利益團體都消失, 或影響力大跌, 真相才有機會浮現.

雖然在統管萬有的神面前這樣做十分低能, 但利益關係, 各懷鬼胎的不同團體可樂此不彼.




星期三, 2月 07, 2007

Come back while putting many hats on head

CL turn out to play many roles - as a son, a younger brother, an employee, a colleague, a leader, and of course, a long time absent blogger.

As a son:
Last month father went to hospital and then has stayed up to this moment, and all things turned up side down. Priorities change, search of new facilities begins, coordinate hard to keep things on right track and avoid mistakes ... and manage to attend three weddings. Blogging? Please wait!

As a younger brother:
Your opinion may not be the significant one. It only weighs when it really makes very good sense.

As an employee:
The co continue to play the MI3 - while under-staff, still role out big projects near holidays - do they know that some responsible staffs are absent, too? Taiwan's earthquake put them to fall back to oldest way of communications - good humiliation to pursue of blind utilization and arrogance.

As a colleague:
It does not take long for CL to find out that team work is talk rather than reality in Chinese running company. Social activities weighting is more critical to technical competence.

As a leader:
Face with variation of members and unexpected reaction and behavior, I know it would be tough for the for-seeable future.

As a blogger:
Boxing day's Taiwan earthquake contributed to a standstill. After two weeks of limited Internet connectivity, all people know that how vulnerable our city's IT infrastructure is. In addition, it is not easy to keep a distance from reality and think deeper, especially when I myself also felt ill for more than one whole week in mid January.

After all, here is CL's comeback.
