
CL-roadlog - log of a walker in faith.

星期六, 5月 28, 2005


自問不是忠實泰昌捧場客, 但早幾年由於禮拜六常在中環返工, 午飯時間較長. 總喜歡老遠跑到擺花街泰昌買"蛋 tart"吃. 最近泰昌因為加貴租難捱要結業, 十分可惜.

社 會上自有不少評論, 支持泰昌者有之, 維護自由市場者有之. 筆者明白資本主意社會的遊戲規則, 但"自由市場"這名詞近年已經變得絕對化: 不容許對其前設質疑. 另外, 擁抱這名詞的人往往認為自己的觀點比人"高級"(不是優勝), 不斷中傷提出其他觀點的人為幼稚, 福利主義者等等. 維護自由市場在泰昌事件上是一種合法的態度, 但不應該是權威的觀點.

業主加租是私人決定, 我們只好希望老闆找到新店再次做生意. 但香港一天只有地產獨大, 其他產業的發展都被迫讓路, 豈不是單一生態, 威脅生存嗎? 往下去, 只有大發展商有能力維持下去, 香港人只好開私房店打私房工了 - 如果政府沒有取締的話.

泰昌老闆在生果報上公開做 tart 心得 ("open sourced" his recipe), 倒是保存手藝有機會延續的高招.


星期五, 5月 20, 2005


當決定要設立這網誌時, 曾想起名為文彥BLOG (文彥博), 但自問不是這級數.

然後看到 Eugene Peterson 的 A Long Obedience in the same direction (中譯為"天路客的行囊"), 但天路客太大路了, 以為是天路歷程書評也不好. 人間道 原本也不錯, 但最近倩女幽魂合集 DVD/VCD 又出了!想起梁家麟說起我們不是誤降人世, 而是實實在在活於人間, 是正牌人路客. 人路客較難叫人誤會吧!

雜記表示我可能會把感受, 書評, IT 技術文章之類也放進來!

人路客 CL 當然是一個路人!

英文名稱原想用 promenade, 但嬉戲的感覺太強, 不是我原先的設想, 故只好以有 "Chinglish" 可疑的 road-log 為名.



西洋菜街行人專區已由一個純粹的購物區, 轉變成一個多元活動廣場: 各種產品推廣人員充斥之餘, 政論團體, 壓力團體和不同利益集團都在這街上爭取途人, 媒體的注意. 由明星簽名會到示威抗議, 層出不窮, 媒體本身當然不會浪費機會, 電視台電台現場節目是少不了.

路人置身其中, 目不睱給, 成為各種觀念價值的消費者. 其實銅鑼灣 Time Square, 尖沙咀碼頭也有這傾向. 說起尖沙咀碼頭, 不知是哪個蠢材的主義要把碼頭巴士站搬走!

香港人其實也曉"自製"公共廣場(普普文化站\社會思潮\誰消滅了樂園), 欠的只是主動找尋機會的意願.


星期日, 5月 01, 2005

Why this blog?

Dear all,

Although this blog has a Chinese title, it does not mean that this blog will be entirely in Chinese. In the contrary, this will likely be an English-oriented blog.

About 10 years ago I wanted to set up a personal website to present my own opinion and observations. However, it was not trivial at that time - there was a lot of work to be done and skills to be mastered in order to do that. When things became much simpler later, I was involved in other commitment and activities to an extent that this had to be postponed indefinitely.

Recently a few friends have established their blogs and posted actively. I have been reminded by some about my website project. If it cannot be done in short term, why can't I use the "divide and conquer" trick again? At the same time other close friends think that I can "contribute" in terms of writing to share about things from a broader perspective.

When I look back, I cannot find any excuse not to do that: I am always busy and the situation does not seem to change in forseeable future unless I quit my current job. If I do not do it now, I don't think I will ever do it again.

So this blog is setup now.

Copyright notice: Copyright of All works in this blog retain to me but are released for distribution and copy under the Creative Commons License.
