
CL-roadlog - log of a walker in faith.

星期二, 11月 21, 2006

2 Consecutive days of electric glitch

For frequent readers of this blog, you know that when I write in English, it means either I am in trouble or in a hurry. This time is the second case.

This is the second day of electric glitch at company. Yesterday morning when I came back to office after vacation, nearly all servers were reset at 7 a.m., confirmed by HK Light by a electric glitch at their side. This could havecaused panic but the good thing was that all backups had finished last Saturday morning and there was still enough time to start all necessary software processes again before trade openning.

Today afternoon was a bit worse. At 4:04 p.m. there were thunder strikes and the Futures trading had been disrupted before the 4:15 p.m. closing. A series of checkup, cleanup and restore operation had to be done. I started going home at 7:30 p.m., not bad.

We should have been protected by UPS but somehow the expected behaviour have not been delivered. Of course if the problem lies in neutral line pickup during thunder storm, we cannot do much. We have called the vendor to have detailed check for the UPS units this Friday. I can only pray that there will be less thunder strike and HK Light can do their job properly to minimize glitches.


星期三, 11月 15, 2006


科技前景一文終於完工, 算了一件事. (哈哈, 算是自我宣傳, 但要追回六月的 archive.)

無意間發現有線主播張宏艷竟是部落鄰居, 路人是張小姐 fans, 當然訂閱了. 還放到自己的 link 上. 在新聞主播位上不偏不倚, 到自己私人園地總得有個立場, 否則對得起人, 對不住自己.

近期才智名人部落愈來愈多, 梁文道, 李碧華在 sinablog, 馬家輝在 blogger有一段日子, 董啟章和黃碧雲只是聽聞而已. BTW, 你們還看報章副刊嗎?

如果可以對陶才子說一句話: 請他寫多點別的新東西, 不要只寫中西方小農與資本家文化比較! 因為他的結論來來去去只得一個. 一次已可表達清晰了.
