路人 CL 最近因老友推薦看了"鋼之鍊金術師"這動畫 (以下簡稱"鋼"), 不得了, 可真有追看的動力. "等價交換", "賢者之石" 等術語也知是甚麼了.
原作者荒川弘本不是十分出名的漫畫家, "鋼"也是在一本不算暢銷的少年讀物中連刋, 但作者選材十分聰明, 看到西方資本主義文明(培養國家鍊金術師之軍事強國)與穆斯林信仰(被鎮壓屠殺的伊修巴爾人信奉"真神", 視鍊金術為邪惡)群體的表面矛盾, 和不分種族, 人人共通的軟弱失敗 (利之所在, 各放人馬都不擇手段要掌握賢者之石: 使我不禁想到 "美國是上帝的國度" 這理想本身不是已經被奉成偶像嗎?) 透過鋼之鍊金術師愛德華和弟弟艾爾的遭遇和考驗, 探討何謂"人". (人間因上帝, 所以有情, 本不分種族和意識形態.)
這動畫的確需要家長指引觀看, 但不是神經質地單單"提防鍊金術的邪惡", 而是教導小朋友在考驗中如何為之"堅持". 是的, 這話我是罷明對基要派基督徒說的.
十 分佩服日本人的想像力, 連日本圍棋學院也以漫畫("棋魂")吸引小朋友學習圍棋. 圍棋本是中國國藝, 卻要在日本才普及. (中國不是沒有圍棋手, 但人人心理壓力都太大, 動輒以為必須擊敗日本人才算成功, 卻不肯由"單單喜愛"開始 -- 愛因斯坦解釋他的物理學天份:"喜愛"是最好的老師)
標籤: Culture / Trend
1 則留言:
As I know,
Alchemist have made a foundation of method western chemistry.
Philosopher stone is a catalyst which alchemist use their experiment /chemical reaction in middle century.
Because of the Alchemist in middle centry want to refine gold from their special secret experiment. For example , they want to use just a little piece of gold (1 g) as media to refine a lot of (1 Kg) gold.
Since the fault rate experiment of the Alchemist is very high. So, the Philosopher stone is a very important tool/substance for Alchemist to let the sucess rate of the chemical reaction gratully increase.
Of course, it is not possible to refine gold through their experiment .But it really acttract many noble to invest on these activity. But, the people in middle centry treat the Alchemist is a mysterious person and have a close relation to wizard.
So, it is very interesting for producer emphaize the terms "enquiry trade" in animation.
Because originally Alcemist is just want to dig out the gold throught their experiment.In frankly speaking,they and the noble is very greedy person.
I guess the producer want to point out this his comment.
In addition , please note Japanese normally absorb the cultual from another country and transform the background to their fiction/comic/animation. But, they normally reject christian religous.
CL - I guess you have found some scence/cue in the animation.
i.e. some person respresent western technology & civilization/religous to oppress somebody represent eastern cultral/religous/ civilaiztion.
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